Video Games as Learning Tools — Colloquium March 7, 1430 at Department of Psychology, Neuroscience & Behaviour (PNB) Psychology Building (PC), Room 102 McMaster University
I want to invite you to a colloquium March 7, at 1430– Department of Psychology, Neuroscience & Behaviour (PNB)
at McMaster University
Video Games as Learning Tools
Brock Dubbels, PhD.,
G-ScalE Game Development and Testing Lab
McMaster University
Should games and play be considered important in designing instructional contexts? Should they be used for professional development, or even become a part of our productivity at work? Games offer individuals a learning environment rich with choice and feedback . . . not only for gathering information about a student’s learning, but that also demand mastery in recall, comprehension, and problem solving. The difficulty with games may be our view that games are a form of play, an undirected, frivolous children’s activity . In this presentation research and examples of games and play inspired activities will be presented for motivating learners, designing effective instruction, improving comprehension and problem solving, providing therapeutic interventions, aiding in work-place productivity, and professional development.
Department of Psychology, Neuroscience & Behaviour (PNB)
Psychology Building (PC), Room 102
McMaster University
1280 Main Street West
Dear Sirs,
I’m a proffessional educationit(PhD) and my company rubinmedia gmbh is producing learning tools(serious games) for customers like Europen Central Bank, European Parlament or the German Bundestag. Yet, so it is working and well perceived we would like to improve our comprehensive theoretical understanding.
How to join the th elessons
Hello Dr. Axer,
I am sure we can help. Comprehension and problem solving have been pretty well described in cognitive psychology. The tradition of discourse processing has led to fairly robust descriptions of mental representation (comprehension) and the creation of larger conceptual patterns for problem solving. In this talk, I will be presenting some unpublished data that shows the outcomes of a comparative media study, where the same content is presented across a game, a video, and a printed text. The results show significant better comprehension through large effect sizes in the game condition for mental representation (event indexing), multiple choice questions, and word problem (problem solving). This study is presented along with prior research on game development methods for criteria and construct validity, which are important for making theses kinds fo analyses. If you are able to attend, please introduce yourself!